I'm Ziro (Zeer-oh) and I'm from a different planet and a different dimension but my home isn't all that different from yours. A while back I crash landed on Earth and met some really nice farm animals who decided to join me on my travels. My plan is to meet lots of nice creatures, learn everything that I can about Earth (past and present) from you and then share it with my planet, Nyariah. By the way, you can get a brief look at my home at the end of Along Came Ziro. Unfortunately, my old professor and nemesis, Dockalukoolukoo, is trying to thwart my efforts. He wasn't always bad but he had some tough breaks and now he's DEFINITELY BAD and ABSOLUTELY MAD! So do not be fooled by his cute appearance. He is shady! Anyway, stop by my blog, send me interesting facts about Earth and join me and the animals on our time-traveling adventures!